And another week passes….

What a week.

What a week for work. Though a good week for living…

The politicking is just breath-taking. Though of course this is where I come into my own. The black arts. The tight-rope walking. And in amongst it all the mindfulness of principles. The question being – how do I observe principles when walking the tight-rope?

I had a curry with my friends (line-manager ones) on Wednesday night at Dhabba (Glasgow – pictured). North Indian cuisine. Just gorgeous. And such good company.

Troubled about the position of the Chief Exec of a neighbouring public body – in an employment case where it certainly appears natural justice has been brutally decapitated. But unable to do much to assist – aside from talking tactics for a legal case (this is the dirty side – where you advise on the digging of dirt to throw in order to have negotiating power and space, the dishing of dirt on politicians and governments and the use of opposition Parliamentary members to ask planted questions). The sad thing (from a purist ideological point of view) is that I really do enjoy – base me – the tactical positioning. The attempts to outwit. The desire to pull the rug from under powers feet.

Then today I had lunch with a good man. One whom I can trust and who is a guru of “organisational development” (oh f* the highfalutin shit of that monicker). He is a poet too. Funniest thing is – he is a good-looking man whom I am just not attracted to. And he isn’t attracted to me. We have laughed about that – and been thankful because it removes so many barriers. He and I put the world to rights. Such a good feeling that – returning to the office after a bacon sarnie and tea with a friend whom you can trust and who you know supports you completely (anyway, that’s what he said)…

I am now contemplating a night in the local pub. Maisie’s (see photo). Rebel eldest is working there tonight.

All in all when I take stock, not the worst of weeks, really. Work may have been a bit of a maze, but in reality I have had only one disappointment – a friend who is having second thoughts and second (to the power N) discussions regarding a marital volte face. But least said about that….

The shine from the weekend in Yorkshire has not quite dimmed to dull. I have another weekend in Leeds planned for the 17th March. And I am inveigled in the usual intrigue – a rich and fascinating vein…