Starting from Scratch: a business venture…

Days like this were invented to sleep through… But no. Instead there was work.

So, a quick shift up the M9 to visit a distressed wummin seeking advice and support. Job done. Now home.

Things have been slow recently. Or maybe ‘slow’ is relative and is in fact what happens when you want to crack on – get started – but have to endure the frustration of anticipation; the drag of preparation; the slow-burn torture of knowing that where you currently are is not where you a) want to be OR b) will shortly be… when things are ‘ready’.

I never did apply for that GS/CEO job. Not only would it have been wrong for me, the chances of me actually getting it were nil. I say that informedly. I am no defeatist.

By way of encouragement/discouragement (you tell me) I was told – by the manager in charge of recruitment to the post – that I was ‘too young’.

Ha! Was it the hoodie gave me away? Youth! ‘Too young!’ I’ve never been told that before. And I daresay – from a shallow, vanity perspective it would normally have tickled me. But. I am nearly 47. No child. No inexperienced whipper-snapper. And in most arenas I would be written off as ‘too old’ – equally iniquitous of course.

Yes, yes. I could sprint off down the age discrimination route. But what’s the point? And anyway I need some income – and the raising of any ET action would really (maybe not legally, but mentally and emotionally) require that I walked out.

My hearts not in it. Nor is my head. Not in claiming and not in staying long-term.

It wasn’t the worst of moves. I did need to kick myself out of the ease of my last job – before I found myself at 67 yrs, still trooping off to the Sheriff Court to repel some appeal or prove some pair wee wain should be taken ‘into care’. I had to (for my own sanity’s sake) cut the cords tying me to what I knew and then I had to land somewhere.

The somewhere just isn’t where I am.

So now I’m planning to do something so strangely un-me that I cannot quite believe that I’m even thinking the words. That is, I am going ‘to launch a new business’. Concentrating on an HR/employment law/training/employee engagement + mediation offering.

It’s taking time. I’m talking to a very bright insightful woman about a joint venture – but if that isn’t going to work I’ll be on my own. Though I’ve been approached  by a couple of lawyers looking for escape – they too are interested in mediation – so there are other possibilities.

I need to sever links to my current position gradually. Weaning to half time around August/September (I’ve asked – and it seems it’ll be granted). Unfortunately it takes time to build a client base…

In the meantime, all business tips will be gratefully received. And anyone looking for HR/employment law/mediation – please contact me. Please.

I’m good at this stuff. Honest.