There is a Better Way (STUC Campaign)

Saturday the 4th September saw 250 people turn up to the UNISON organised cross-trade union, cross-community group ‘Anti-Cuts Strategy’ Conference.

Key Speaker was apparently Dave Prentis (UNISON’s General Secretary) – never a scintillating experience listening to dear Dave to be honest – though I suppose he wasn’t that bad.

Highlight for me had to be Stephen Boyd, Assistant Secretary of the STUC.

I heard a few people complain that his presentation was too heavy on the technical economic facts and figures – but this was what I wanted to hear: a credible debunking of the Condem government myths…

I say ‘Condem Government’ but I am not sure that covers the hegemony of the ‘cuts r good’ economic policy – the new recieved wisdom of the media and ruling political classes which peddles ideological points of view as god-given tablets of truth.

Stephen enlarged on the STUC’s campaign ‘There is a Better Way’. Recommended reading:

The STUC have organised a Demo for the 23rd October in Edinburgh – to coincide with the UK Comprehensive Spending Review.

I’ll be there. I think it might just be the first of many demos.