The Family Artist

It’s been a tiring strange time with work and work-related anxieties consuming far too much of my time.

Evan – my gentle giant – brought respite, with his beautiful, meticulous artwork.

He’s just pulled together all the elements for his final exam – this is the ‘expressive’ unit folio of the Scottish Higher Grade.

Humour me. Here are some imperfect pictures of his now-submitted work. The theme is ‘Decay’. He tells me that he wanted to convey his sense of ‘decay’ as just another metamorphosis – that things break down and rot – but that the transformation can be (and is) beautiful. There is a cycle – death is just another ‘becoming’.

I loved that.

I also love his beautiful detail. His perfectly realised vision.

I’m also his Mother… and I love him dearly regardless.

The pieces are largely charcoal, pencil and watercolour.